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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

TinyUmbrella Gets Updated With the Ability to Save BBTickets

Semaphore aka @notcom – the developer of TinyUmbrella has just released version 5.10.12 of this program for both Windows and Mac.

This latest version of TinyUmbrella has the ability to save your iPhone's BBTicket. Some explanation on BBTicket – flashing a new baseband depends on having the correct BBTicket which can only be authorized by Apple and cannot be replayed as we do with APTickets when restoring iOS.

Any attempt to flash with baseband version lower than the one currently installed on your iPhone will fail. You will notice this when you successfully downgraded your iOS but the baseband stayed the same.

He didn't specifically mention how they plan to use this yet, but he claims that it will be useful "later on." He also added that BBTickets are stitched together with the SHSH files saved by TinyUmbrella. You won't see this feature anywhere within the program as it's done silently in the background. Be sure to check 'overwrite saved SHSH' as per notcom's recommendation.

Somehow I have a sense that when you attempt to do a downgrade next time (assuming it's 100% possible) e.g. from iOS 5.2 to iOS 5.1, the baseband gets downgraded as well. Now that would be awesome.

Post from my iPad 2


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